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How to Keep Your Begonias

 How to Keep Your Begonias Happy

Begonias are so easy to make happy that many gardeners miss the mark by overfeeding these beloved plants. To give you some idea of their compatibility, begonias were grown by indoor gardeners in the 19th century, when heating systems were certainly not regulated and indoor light levels were low. Here's a rundown of how to make your begonias happy. (Choose a begonia based on its needs. See which variety suits you.)

The light

Begonias prefer a well-lit east- or west-facing window. Their foliage can burn in a bright south-facing window, and a north-facing window usually doesn't provide enough sunlight.


If you keep the thermostat above 55°F, your begonias will be infinitely grateful. If that's not possible, most begonias will still be fine. But try to minimize the chill by stopping them in the bathroom or kitchen. Interestingly, begonias prefer a 5° to 10°F drop from daytime to nighttime temperatures.


Begonias, which are typically native to humid parts of the world, do not do well in areas with low atmospheric humidity. Solutions include placing your begonias in a humid place at home, such as a bathroom. You can run a humidifier or use a pebble tray. But if you don't suffer from chapped lips or dry skin, your begonias will be fine.


Give your begonias a drink when the soil is slightly dry, but not dry. Overwatering can be a killer, especially in winter when their growth naturally creeps up.


Fertilize your begonias from March 1 through Thanksgiving; I use fish broth and it works like a charm. Do not feed in winter when light is low.


Begonias prefer shallow containers, and they prefer shallow roots. Over boring can result in death. When potting, use a light, peat potting medium with good drainage. Clay or similar porous containers allow the roots to breathe.

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