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How to Grow Incredible Delphiniums

Delphiniums are star performers in early summer, thanks to the special care of Simon and his team. Growing the right hybrid is key To ensure big flowers - Simon recommends 'Elatum' hybrids, which he buys from specialists Blackmore & Langdon.

“To achieve large flower spikes, thin the shoots to a maximum of five when they are six inches tall,” Simon advises. “Professional growers for exhibitions allow only one flower spike per plant.”

Feed with blood, fish and bone, then trim the adventitious flower spikes from the base of the stems whenever they appear. “You want to pinch them out so that all the energy goes into the main spikes,” Simon says.

The best thing to do with young delphiniums is to keep them in a pot for a year so they grow to a decent size. If they are too small when they are in the ground, snails will knock them down when the shoots appear. If you buy a young plant, pinch out the flower spike so the plant can focus on developing a strong root system.

“Once they have bloomed, cut them back to six inches and feed again, and they will give you a second flush of flowers in September.”

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