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garden care - rid of aphids

 How to get rid of aphids and protect plants from infection

Did you know that most gardens have at least a few aphids? In healthy plants, these common pests do not cause much harm, and beneficial insects, including ladybugs, help reduce their numbers. When plants are stressed by drought, poor soil conditions, or overcrowding, aphids can become a problem when things get out of hand. Unfortunately, when garden conditions are right, aphids can reproduce at an amazing rate, forming a huge, hungry colony in a matter of days that can literally suck the life out of your plants. The key to dealing with these tiny but destructive pests is knowing when you need to take action and then keeping the right tactics up your sleeve to keep them under control.

How to identify aphids

Often the first sign of an aphid infestation is not the visible presence of mites. Instead, you'll see signs they're feeding—twisted and curled leaves, yellowing leaves, stunted or dead shoots, and stunted plant growth. Damage is usually most noticeable on shoot tips and new growth, along with unopened flower buds. When you look closely at these damaged plant parts, especially young leaves and the undersides of growing stems, you can see large numbers of aphids clustered together.

These insects range in color from green to yellow, brown, red or black. Aphids cause damage by sucking sap from tender plant parts. As they feast, they excrete a sugary substance called honeydew. A fungus called sooty mold grows in the honeydew and blocks light from your plant, but is harmless. Wash your plant leaves with water to get rid of nectar and sooty mold.

How to get rid of aphids

When an aphid species breaks out and begins to cause significant damage to leaves, stems and buds, it is time to act immediately. The sooner you can deal with an infestation, the better chance you have of stopping the pests in their tracks and saving your plants from the point of no return.

Spray with water

The safest and fastest way to control aphids is to spray them on your plants with a strong stream from a garden hose. Aphids are very small, soft-bodied insects that even a good rainfall can knock them off. Once aphids fall from a plant, they rarely climb back up.

Insecticidal soaps and horticultural oil

These controls pose less risk to people and the environment, but you still need to follow the label's instructions. They kill aphids, but because aphids reproduce so quickly, they must be used regularly during severe infestations. Insecticidal soap and horticultural oil  only kill aphids on direct contact, so you'll need to reapply often until the insects are completely gone. And don't forget to spray the undersides and tops of the leaves. Remember that insecticidal soaps and horticultural oil can also kill beneficial insects, so only use them if they're targeting insects.

Crush the aphids with your fingers

Unless you're the picky type, and the infestation is so heavy that it takes forever to clean up, gently rub your thumb and fingertips over the leaves and stems of your plants wherever you see them. Remember, these insects are very soft and delicate, so they are crushed with light pressure. This tactic probably won't completely eliminate every bug, but it should be enough to get your plants growing healthy leaves again. Check back every few days to see if you need to repeat the process.

How to prevent aphids

It is possible to prevent large numbers of aphids from forming at home. In addition to making sure your plants have the water, light, and nutrients they need to stay healthy, here are a few more ways to help reduce aphid populations.

Use row covers in your vegetable garden

In spring, protect young plants in your vegetable patch with floating row covers out, but allow air, light and moisture to reach your plants. Remove the row covers when your seedlings are several inches tall or when temperatures warm in the summer.

Remove weeds

You may be seeing aphids on your plants, but these insects can also set foot in your garden by attacking weeds. It will take some time for them to spread to your vegetables and flowers, so be diligent and continue weeding around your plants. Some weeds, such as mustard seed and mustard, appear to be particularly attractive to aphids.

Attract beneficial insects that feed on aphids

Plant nearby flowers such as marigolds, calendulas, sunflowers, daisies, alyssums or dills to attract beneficial insects that like to feed on aphids. Ladybugs and lacewings are particularly effective at swallowing them.

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