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Summer Squash Varieties

4 Best Varieties to Grow

With so many different types of summer squash, taking a minute to learn about the differences in flavor and texture and the best way to use them can help you choose the best variety for your needs. Better yet, grow a few varieties and mix things up with beautiful harvests all summer long.

4 Best Varieties of Summer Squash to Grow and Eat

In this article, I'll share 8 of my favorite summer squash varieties that I love to grow in my own garden. Zucchini and yellow Croque neck squash are more common, but after reading this article, you might want to try a new variety in your garden this summer.

Don't forget, summer squash is best when harvested young and the skin is soft and tender. Summer squash should be consumed within a week or two of harvesting and stored in the refrigerator.

1. Black Beauty Zucchini

Black Beauty Zucchini is easy to grow, productive and an early producer with shiny dark-green fruit and creamy white flesh.

Taste and Texture: Mild taste; Best when harvested young and seeds small. Firm texture freezes well.

Best for: Salads, soups, great zucchini noodles (also known as 'zoodles'), and grated into baked goods. Very versatile and soft.

2. Dice the butternut squash

Avocado squash is a great producer in a small plant. Can be taken in any size from small to large.

Taste and Texture: Buttery flavor with creamy white flesh; Tastes good raw or cooked. Soft – Holds its shape well during cooking.

Best for: Eaten fresh, fried or grilled.

3. Lebanese squash

Lebanese squash (often called kousa or tirani) is a versatile, Middle Eastern favorite. It is a heavy duty manufacturer in a small plant with continuous production.

Taste and Texture: Mild, white creamy taste. Solid structure.

Best for: Harvest small to use fresh or grow large to use in dozens of recipes, including stuffing. Use in any recipe that calls for zucchini.

4. Baby round zucchini

Baby Round Zucchini (also known as 'Ronde de Nice') is a prolific grower and can grow to harvest in just 45 days.

Taste and Texture: Smooth, sweet taste. Smooth texture.

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