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How to Mulch Like a Pro

 How to Mulch 

Learning how to use mulch can make gardening much easier and more labor-efficient. Here are nine steps to learn how to mulch like a pro. Mulch does many things your plants want and need, such as shading the roots on hot days, preventing moisture from evaporating, and preventing weeds from taking root. But it's important to learn the differences between mulch materials and how to properly spread mulch.

Two types of mulch

There are two basic types of mulch: organic and inorganic. Organic matter—wood, bark, compost, grass clippings, and leaves—decomposes and improves soil. A chipper/shredder is a way to build your own. They last for a few years, after which you need to add more. In addition, organic mulches are easy to spread and do no harm when mixed into the soil, for example, as happens when planting annuals or shrubs.

In contrast, stone refers to a more or less permanent mulch, placed over a layer of landscape fabric and left alone. This is a very low maintenance option, but it is not easy to plant. So the big question is: Will I do the gardening that requires digging and moving mulch to plant ornamentals? If the answer is yes, you'll want to stick with organic mulch.

Choose the right mulch

Each type of organic mulch has pros and cons. For example, bark nails are widely available but can float away in heavy rain. Cacao hulls have a unique aroma (some like it, some don't) but are relatively expensive and toxic to dogs. Shredded bark or wood is the most common landscape mulch—it's cheap and easy to use, but it doesn't add as many nutrients to the soil as some other mulches.

Waste from your yard, such as grass clippings, leaves and compost, can also be used as mulch. Compost adds lots of nutrients but is not good at suppressing weeds. If you compost at home, it's not a good idea to use it to mulch flower plants unless you know that the compost gets hot enough to kill weed seeds. Otherwise, you'll end up with more weeds, not less!

Grass clippings can be useful as mulch, but don't pile them too deep, or they will become soggy and mushy. Never use clippings as mulch if the grass has been treated with herbicides. A practical example of how to make mulch is if the leaves are shredded first. Because pine needles acidify the soil, pine needles last longer and are an excellent mulch around acid-loving plants like azaleas.

Tips for Mulching

While the process of mulching may seem simple (you put it on top of dirt, right?), there are a few things to keep in mind. These are our top mulching tips.

Calculate how much mulch to buy. There is nothing more frustrating than choosing the mulch you want and not getting enough of it.

Not too thick, not too thin. Apply 2 to 3 inches of mulch. Anything thicker might deter insects, but either way, it's wasteful and unnecessary.

There is no right time to apply mulch to beds. Your plants will welcome mulch at any time of the year. If you mulch in late fall or early winter, wait until the ground freezes before mulching if you live in a cold climate.

Mulch trees and shrubs properly. Mulching around trees and shrubs is a great way to prevent injury from mowing and trimmers. As with the beds, spread the mulch 2-3 inches thick. Don't pile mulch against the stem like a volcano—it encourages pests and disease.

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